ERLC Ministries
Get Involved at Elk River Lutheran Church
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- Children Youth and Family - including Family Events, Club 456, 3rd Grade Bibles, 1st Communion, Confirmation and High School Youth.
- Adult Ministries - Including Men's Group on Saturday morning at 8am and Women's Group the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm. Other adult studies are held throughouth the year and promoted in our weekly announcements.
- Caring Ministries - includes Prayer Shawl Ministry, Prayer Requests, CAER Food Shelf, Dare's Funeral Home Luncheon Ministry, Blessing Box, Guardian Angels Senior Services, LWR Quilts and Meals on Wheels
- Music Ministries - includes ERLC Choir, Worship Band, Children's Music, Soloists/Small Groups, Riverside Ringersd Handbell Choir, and Instrumental Ensemble
- Mission Endowment Fund - provides ERLC members and friends with the opportunity to make charitable gifts to ERLC and have the earnings from those gifts fund future donations for scholarships, community outreach and ELCA mission work.