ERLC Emergency Announcement and Cancellation Policy
"Severe Weather Policy"
In order to ensure the safety of our members and guests Elk River Lutheran Church has developed the following policy for sharing emergency announcements and cancellations. Announcements/Cancellations may be the result of weather, problems with the buildings, or any unforeseen situations or problems.
Emergency Announcement and Cancellation Policy
*If Pastor Nathan is not available to initiate this process that responsibility goes first to Pastor Anne and, if Pastor Anne is not available, to Linda Nielsen.
Emergency Announcement and Cancellation Policy
- Elk River Lutheran Church will follow the lead of our local school district (ISD 728) when deciding to close and cancel activities.
- When the schools are closed, the church offices will also be closed. In conversation with Pastor Nathan*, staff will be invited to work from home, flex their schedule, or report to work as they feel comfortable.
- When after-school and evening activities for the school district are canceled, the church will also cancel events and activities.
- The decision to cancel weekend events and activities (including Sunday morning worship) will be made by Pastor Nathan* in consultation with the Congregation President, and staff.
- Pastor Nathan*, in consultation with the Congregation President, and staff, will determine if/how emergency announcements that affect the life of the congregation will be shared.
*If Pastor Nathan is not available to initiate this process that responsibility goes first to Pastor Anne and, if Pastor Anne is not available, to Linda Nielsen.